Cuidados Pela Vida

Cuidados Pela Vida is a line of products from Aché Pharmaceutical. This is the beneficial website for customers that handles registration, discounts, purchase history and keep customers updated about marketing programs for Cuidados Pela Vida products.

  • Solutions and Systems architecture
  • BI Strategy
  • Database administration (modeling, redundancy, tuning)
  • Data Integration (ERPs, WebServices and interfaces)
  • Back-end and API development (structure, patterns, provisioning, deployment)
  • Front-end development (frameworks, patterns, deployment)
  • Content Management System (WordPress)

Using: gcp, azure, linode, linux, windows, varnish, nginx, apache, pm2, postgresql, sql server, mysql, coldfusion, php, nodejs, express, angularjs, angular, jquery, bootstrap, npm, gulp, git