Here I will list some of the items I used to have Arch running with the minimum I needed for my ThinkPad P14s. I have experienced a seamless experience with my old ThinkPad Carbon x1.
I relate this to the Realtek 8852AE, an 802.11ax device used by P14s, that does not work out-the-box as the one used by x1, although faster.
- Lenovo P Series (no dedicated P14s page for the time being)
- Laptop - Power Management
- Wireless / Bluetooth
- Realtek 8852AE driver (Thanks to
- Realtek 8852AE driver - Bluetooth (Thanks to
- alacritty | Terminal Emulator
- dunst | Notification Daemon
- i3 (.config/i3)
- i3blocks
- bumbleblee-status
- locale (I use a US keyboard, but also want pt_BR locale)
- tmux | Terminal Multiplexer
- zsh
- Dolphin
- xautolock with i3lock
- Backlight
- brightnessctl
- light