
Tropeçando 90

Auto-restart a crashed service in systemd

Systemd allows you to configure a service so that it automatically restarts in case it’s crashed.

My Personal Best Practices For Using LaunchDarkly Feature Flags

The Most-Neglected Postgres Feature?

log_line_prefix should be the most-neglected postgres feature. Overused and mis-configured. The author talk about his finding, the great use and some tips for log_line_prefix configuration. This feature is very powerful on PostgreSQL.

Logical Replication Between PostgreSQL and MongoDB

A decoder plugin to enable logical replication from a PostgreSQL (as publisher) to MongoDB (as subscriber).

Awesome-Compose: Application samples for project development kickoff

A curated list of Docker Compose samples.

These samples provide a starting point for how to integrate different services using a Compose file and to manage their deployment with Docker Compose.