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PHP is the Best Choice for Long‑Term Business

Mature and health ecosystem, long-term stability with clear release cycles, at least two well-proven frameworks, self-reflecting Technology and open-source adaptation to the future are points to put PHP as a great (if not the best) choice for long-term business.

Optimize for optionality and build towards checkpoints

Optimize for optionality and build towards checkpoints

To make this plea actionable: treat each chunk of work as something that should be merged by the end of the week. That doesn't mean it needs to be "done" or available to the end user, it needs to become a citizen of The Codebase.

PHP Object Lazy-Loading is More Than What You Think

In short: lazy-loading consists of delaying load or initialization of resources or objects until they’re actually needed. It’s something you will never see directly, the whole objective of lazy-loading is to be invisible so you can use your applications the way you always do.

Check this blog posts, which talks about this pattern, a new PHP RFC and some ways you can boost the performance of your application when you use lots of API calls.

Open Source Pledge

What is the Open Source Pledge?

Open Source Pledge is a group of companies with a shared commitment to paying the maintainers of the Open Source software we all consume. Our goal is to establish a new social norm in the tech industry of companies paying Open Source maintainers, so that burnout and related security issues such as those in XZ and Apache Log4j can become a thing of the past.

Code Analysis for Your Projects With IntelliJ IDEA and Qodana

As developers, we spend more time maintaining existing code than we do writing new code. Any tools that can help make this easier can save us a lot of time.

Live coding - Event Sourcing in PHP - Let's overcomplicate a single-page - Brendt Roose

Brendt did a live coding session demonstrating how event-sourcing in PHP looks like. He used Tempest framework, but concepts apply to any application.

Configuring AWS CDK Apps Across Multiple Environments

In this quick article, we will cover how we can setup our deterministic serverless application configuration in a way that it can differ between different environments, and where the correct environment is deployed to the correct AWS accounts. We will do a super simple example to show the concepts.

How to successfully adopt serverless in large organizations

Why serverless?

Serverless has disrupted the tech industry in recent years and leveled the playing field by giving organizations instant access to the same resources. In fact, it gives startups and small organizations an edge. They can move faster because they have fewer processes in place than larger traditional organizations, and serverless enables this agility.


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What's new in PHP 8.4

Don't miss these great features

  • Property hooks
  • new without parentheses
  • JIT changes RFC
  • Implicit nullable types
  • New HTML5 support
  • array_find

Serverless Ephemeral Environments with Serverful AWS Services

How to successfully use ephemeral environments with serverful resources, with example in the AWS CDK and Typescript.

Comparison of Serverless Development and Hosting Platforms

When designing solutions in the cloud, there is (almost) always more than one alternative for achieving the same goal.

One of the characteristics of cloud-native applications is the ability to have an automated development process (such as the use of CI/CD pipelines).

In this blog post, I will compare serverless solutions for developing and hosting web and mobile applications in the cloud.

Generating fake data using SQL

Fake data are very useful in development environment for testing your application or some query performances for example.

Client-Side Architecture Basics [Guide]

Though the tools we use to build client-side web apps have changed substantially over the years, the fundamental principles behind designing robust software have remained relatively the same. In this guide, we go back to basics and discuss a better way to think about the front-end architecture using modern tools like React, xState, and Apollo Client.


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Serverless PostgreSQL database with real zero-scaling. The fully managed serverless Postgres with a generous free tier. We separate storage and compute to offer autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage.

Compute scales dynamically to ensure you're ready for peak hours. Compute scales to zero and cold storage offloads to S3 for cost efficiency. Create a fully managed serverless Postgres instance in seconds.

Make your app faster with PHP 8.3

PHP 8.3 is the latest version of PHP. It has exciting new features and major improvements in performance. By upgrading to 8.3, you can achieve a significant increase in speed. In this article, we dive into how PHP 8.3 can be a game changer. It can speed up your application's performance.

OWASP Top 10 Explained: SQL Injection

SQL Injection (SQLi) is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application.

The vulnerability is present when user inputs are either improperly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed.

This allows an attacker to manipulate SQL queries, enabling them to unauthorized access, modify, and delete data in the database. This can lead to significant breaches of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, ranging from unauthorized viewing of data to complete database compromise.

15 Quick Useful Tips for AWS CDK Engineers

In this short article, we will cover 15 useful tips with accompanying code snippets for AWS CDK users.

Implementing DTOs, Mappers & the Repository Pattern using the Sequelize ORM [with Examples] - DDD w/ TypeScript

There are several patterns that we can utilize in order to handle data access concerns in Domain-Driven Design. In this article, we talk about the role of DTOs, repositories & data mappers in DDD.


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Treezor: a serverless banking platform

This case study dives into how Treezor went serverless for their banking platform. From legacy code running on servers to a serverless monolith, and then event-driven microservices on AWS with Bref.

Treezor is a high available banking application running mostly in PHP.

Wait, is cloud bad?

Forrest Brazeal review 37signals (Basecamp) movement from the Cloud back to DataCenter, their use-case and some reasoning about the mentioned arguments for Data Center.

ECS Blue/Green deployment with CodeDeploy and Terraform

How to make Rector Contribute Your Pull Requests Every Day

Do you enjoy making code-reviews with hundreds of rules in your head and adding extra work to the pull-request author?

We don't, so we let Rector for us in active code review.

Docker for the late majority

This is a guide for people who would like a brief introduction to Docker and are too afraid to ask for one. I get it. Everyone around you already seems to know what they’re talking about. Looking ignorant is no fun.

10 Essential PHP.ini Tweaks for Improved Web Performance

If you're running a website or web application with PHP, you may have encountered issues with slow loading times, high memory usage, or other performance problems. Fortunately, there are several tweaks you can make to your PHP configuration file (php.ini) to optimize your scripts and improve your website's performance. In this article, I'll cover the top 10 most common changes you might need to make to your php.ini file for best performance.


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Don't do this: creating useless indexes

This is why, when I’m called for a performance problem (or for an audit), my first take is to look at the size of the data compared to the size of the indexes. If you store more indexes than data for a transactional workload, that’s bad. The worst I’ve seen was a database with 12 times more indexes stored on disk than data! Of course, it was a transactional workload… Would you buy a cooking book with 10 pages of recipes and 120 pages of indexes at the end of the book?

The problem with indexes is that each time you write (insert, update, delete), you will have to write to the indexes too! That can become very costly in resources and time.


PXP is a superset of the PHP programming language. It is heavily inspired by the goals of the TypeScript project and aims to improve and enhance PHP with transpilation.

Functional Classes

A place for everything, and everything in its place.

What is a class? According to the dictionary a class is:

A set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common; a kind or category.

The Simple Class

I work in many legacy code bases, and in fact, I’ve made it a big part of my career. I love diving into big monoliths that have grown out of proportion and tidying them up. One of the best parts of that work is rewriting a God class into a collection of small reusable classes. Let’s take a look at what makes a simple class great.

The economics of clean code

Code smarter. Code balanced. That is OK to have some debt. But pay them off quickly.


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Enabling the Optimal Serverless Platform Team — CDK and Team Topologies

Serverless, and related technologies, have enabled teams to move faster, reduce total cost of ownership and overall empowered developers to have greater ownership of the systems they build. However, Serverless is not a silver bullet — there is an organisational side that’s key to unlock the full benefits of Cloud.

Restructuring a Laravel Controller using Services, Events, Jobs, Actions, and more

A simple but nice walk-though about code decoupling.

The Serverless Server

I'm Will Jordan, and I work on SRE at We transmogrify Docker containers into lightweight micro-VMs and run them on our own hardware in racks around the world, so your apps can run close to your users. Check it out—your app can be up and running in minutes. This is a post about how services like ours are structured, and, in particular, what the term "serverless" has come to mean to me.

Keep Cognitive Complexity Low with PHPStan

What is cognitive complexity? It's the amount of information we have to hold in our heads simultaneously to understand the code. The more indents, continue, break, nested foreach, and if/else branches, the harder is code to read.

You can use PHPStan rules to decrease the cognitive complexity of your codebase. This brings matuiry to your application and a more maintainable code.

How to release PHP 8.1 and 7.2 package in the Same Repository

Some steps to release a package in more than one version, to allow compatibility for different PHP runtimes.


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How to Measure Your Type Coverage

Type coverage check for PHP with PHPStan.

Event Sourcing in Laravel

Granular interfaces

After refactoring to a granular interface, our system became more flexible and composable. Small interfaces communicate intent more clearly, making it easier to understand the flow of a system.

Serverless Laravel applications with AWS Lambda and PlanetScale

The Tighten Test: 12 Steps to a Better Team

Working in a good team turn your life entirely different. Tighten published this post with their heavily opinionated, based on their shared values, and sourced from their experience as web and app developers who regularly work with a variety of different software organizations. This list is based on Joel's 12 steps for better code.


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Why I Will Never Use Alpine Linux Ever Again

Alpine image is heavily use as a base image for all sort of applications. Some applications, usually running in Kubernetes, are facing issues due to Alpine implementation of musl. This article describes how those issues can cause a great amount of grief.

3 years of lift-and-shift into AWS Lambda

Let’s set the scene. We’re looking for scaling a PHP application. Googling around take us to find out that AWS Lambda is the most scalable service out there. It doesn’t support PHP natively, but we got Not only that, we also have Serverless Visually Explained which walk us through what we need to know to get PHP up and running on AWS Lambda. But we have a 8 year old project that was not designed from the ground up to be serverless. It’s not legacy. Not really. It works well, has some decent test coverage, a handful of engineers working on it and it’s been a success so far. It just has not been designed for horizontal scaling. What now?

Different beliefs about software quality

Good advices on how to deal with an environment where you have conflicts about your beliefs and how the environment work.

Increase code coverage successively

I often come across legacy projects that have a very low code coverage (or none at all). Getting such a project up to a high code coverage can be very frustrating as you will have a poor code coverage for a very long time.

So instead of generating an overall code coverage report with every pull request I tend to create a so called patch coverage report that checks how much of the patch is actually covered by tests.

Conway's Law

Pretty much all the practitioners I favor in Software Architecture are deeply suspicious of any kind of general law in the field. Good software architecture is very context-specific, analyzing trade-offs that resolve differently across a wide range of environments. But if there is one thing they all agree on, it's the importance and power of Conway's Law. Important enough to affect every system I've come across, and powerful enough that you're doomed to defeat if you try to fight it.

Is it a DTO or a Value Object?

A common misunderstanding in my workshops (well, whose fault is it then? ;)), is about the distinction between a DTO and a value object. And so I've been looking for a way to categorize these objects without mistake.


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Why Writing Is Important for Engineers

Learning by teaching has been an important pedagogical approach for a long time. As engineers, most of us are probably familiar with the story of the rubber duck, made popular in The Pragmatic Programmer, where explaining your problem to an inanimate object helps you understand it better yourself.

A Comprehensive Guide to Undoing Changes In Git

Git is a powerful version control system for tracking source code changes, for small and large projects alike. Sometimes you’ll encounter situations that require you to undo changes you’ve made to a Git repository.

Git changes cannot be undone with a simple back button. This is intended to protect the integrity of the codebase. Instead, you’ll need to learn the proper Git commands and the appropriate situations for using each command.

How the PHP Middleware Pattern works and can easily be applied

In this post we'll be looking at Middleware in PHP. This pattern is most common in the handling of requests and responses. But the Middleware Pattern can also be applied in various other places. We'll look into what middleware is, how middleware works, when middleware can be useful and what an alternative to middleware might be.

Tuning PostgreSQL Auto-vacuum

In PostgreSQL, rows that are deleted or modified are not completely removed. Rather they are marked as dead tuples. In other words, PostgreSQL does not physically remove these rows but places a marker on them to prevent future queries from returning or accessing dead tuples.

PostgreSQL provides the VACUUM command and VACUUM ANALYZE commands to get rid of dead rows or tuples. However, both commands differ in how they operate.

Learn Vim Progressively

tl;dr: You want to teach yourself vim (the best text editor known to human kind) in the fastest way possible. This is my way of doing it. You start by learning the minimal to survive, then you integrate all the tricks slowly.

Vim the Six Billion Dollar editor

Better, Stronger, Faster.


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5 Constant Lists That Give Context to your Integers and Strings

Enum i a great feature of modern software development. Here you will find five lists that lives in Enums (or Enum-like) that add lots of context for your code. It will look better and cleaner.

Validate all the things: improve your security with input validation!

If there's one habit that can make software more secure, it's probably input validation. Here's how to apply OWASP Proactive Control C5 (Validate All Inputs) to your code.

TypeScript Utility Types: The 6 Most Useful

Write better typescript code by using typescript utility types. Record, Partial, Required, Omit, Pick, Exclude utilities.

Query parameter data types and performance

Recently, I could help solve a “mysterious” performance problem for a customer. The problem turned out to be a badly chosen query parameter type, which led to poor query performance. After working on this customer’s case, I realized that the meaning of the data type of a query parameter is not universally understood, which is why I decided to write this article.

Terraform Best Practices

Building Serverless Applications That Scale The Perfect Amount

Great reasoning about how to think about the architecture that scale on Serverless, thinking about the load and costs.

Run a PHP application on AWS Fargate

An example for a pipeline to configure and deploy a PHP application on AWS Fargate.

6 Signs Your Daily Standups Aren’t Working

Architecture Decision Records help you, your team, and future teams

Decisions are made everyday and often the number of daily decisions make us forget older ones. Keeping a record of the decisions is a great tool to revisit what was done and also be more confident that a change can be made, when a previous statement become obsolete somehow. ADRs are a great tool for a mature software.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add support for MERGE SQL command

MERGE SQL commands is able to perform INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE based on a base query and some conditions. This is very useful for some business logic that can be applied directly on the database data.