
Tropeçando 107

Why Writing Is Important for Engineers

Learning by teaching has been an important pedagogical approach for a long time. As engineers, most of us are probably familiar with the story of the rubber duck, made popular in The Pragmatic Programmer, where explaining your problem to an inanimate object helps you understand it better yourself.

A Comprehensive Guide to Undoing Changes In Git

Git is a powerful version control system for tracking source code changes, for small and large projects alike. Sometimes you’ll encounter situations that require you to undo changes you’ve made to a Git repository.

Git changes cannot be undone with a simple back button. This is intended to protect the integrity of the codebase. Instead, you’ll need to learn the proper Git commands and the appropriate situations for using each command.

How the PHP Middleware Pattern works and can easily be applied

In this post we'll be looking at Middleware in PHP. This pattern is most common in the handling of requests and responses. But the Middleware Pattern can also be applied in various other places. We'll look into what middleware is, how middleware works, when middleware can be useful and what an alternative to middleware might be.

Tuning PostgreSQL Auto-vacuum

In PostgreSQL, rows that are deleted or modified are not completely removed. Rather they are marked as dead tuples. In other words, PostgreSQL does not physically remove these rows but places a marker on them to prevent future queries from returning or accessing dead tuples.

PostgreSQL provides the VACUUM command and VACUUM ANALYZE commands to get rid of dead rows or tuples. However, both commands differ in how they operate.

Learn Vim Progressively

tl;dr: You want to teach yourself vim (the best text editor known to human kind) in the fastest way possible. This is my way of doing it. You start by learning the minimal to survive, then you integrate all the tricks slowly.

Vim the Six Billion Dollar editor

Better, Stronger, Faster.


Tropeçando 106

5 Constant Lists That Give Context to your Integers and Strings

Enum i a great feature of modern software development. Here you will find five lists that lives in Enums (or Enum-like) that add lots of context for your code. It will look better and cleaner.

Validate all the things: improve your security with input validation!

If there's one habit that can make software more secure, it's probably input validation. Here's how to apply OWASP Proactive Control C5 (Validate All Inputs) to your code.

TypeScript Utility Types: The 6 Most Useful

Write better typescript code by using typescript utility types. Record, Partial, Required, Omit, Pick, Exclude utilities.

Query parameter data types and performance

Recently, I could help solve a “mysterious” performance problem for a customer. The problem turned out to be a badly chosen query parameter type, which led to poor query performance. After working on this customer’s case, I realized that the meaning of the data type of a query parameter is not universally understood, which is why I decided to write this article.

Terraform Best Practices

Building Serverless Applications That Scale The Perfect Amount

Great reasoning about how to think about the architecture that scale on Serverless, thinking about the load and costs.

Run a PHP application on AWS Fargate

An example for a pipeline to configure and deploy a PHP application on AWS Fargate.

6 Signs Your Daily Standups Aren’t Working

Architecture Decision Records help you, your team, and future teams

Decisions are made everyday and often the number of daily decisions make us forget older ones. Keeping a record of the decisions is a great tool to revisit what was done and also be more confident that a change can be made, when a previous statement become obsolete somehow. ADRs are a great tool for a mature software.

Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add support for MERGE SQL command

MERGE SQL commands is able to perform INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE based on a base query and some conditions. This is very useful for some business logic that can be applied directly on the database data.


Tropeçando 105

CQRS and Event Sourcing implementation in PHP

A walk-through of using CQRS along with Event Sourcering using PHP.

Is my autovacuum configured properly?

Some tips to identify if you need to tune your autovacuum configurations. A proper house cleaning can improve your database health and performance.

Learn how to migrate to the PHP framework Symfony

SensioLabs and Smile released a joint white paper “PHP framework migration: from legacy to Symfony” explaining how to migrate to modern PHP frameworks like Symfony. Find a selection of the key information in this infographic design by SensioLabs.


Find leaked credentials. Search on your repos, source-code, etc.

Why we don’t use a staging environment

Squeaky deploys their code directly from laptops to production environments. The blog posts details their strategies, such as a good suite of tests, clear branch strategy and use of feature flags.

Scaling containers on AWS in 2022

Benchmarking for different types of workloads and scales capabilities on AWS services in 2022: lambda, EKS, ECS, Fargate...

Building well-architected serverless applications: Introduction

Multi-part series addressing each of the questions within the Serverless Lens of the Well-Architected Tool.

Comparing Workflows

Comparision of different types of git flows: centralized, feature branch, gitflow and fork flow. Simple comparision, but easy to get the sense of their use cases.

Construct Hub

Find libraries for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), which generates AWS CloudFormation templates, CDK for Terraform (CDKtf), which generates HashiCorp Terraform configuration files, and CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), which generates Kubernetes manifests.

Too much magic?

A good thinking about the "magic" under some awesomeness that are provided by frameworks or libraries. Although they are good for quicker development, there is good to think a little bit more about how and when use it when we have a software that we aim to last longer and get to the phase of greater maintainability.


Tropeçando 32 – Republish

Blog do Márcio d'Ávila » HTML5 no horizonte

Depoimento da Caixa sobre o banco de dados PostgreSQL reforça sua importância. | 4Linux – Free Software Solutions

G1 - Sistema operacional para PCs vai se tornar irrelevante, diz criador do Linux - notícias em Tecnologia e Games

Introdução - Experimentando o Linux Mint Debian Edition

Caso dos boletos imitando chegando ao fim?

welcome home : vim online

Vim - Portal brasileiro do editor de textos Vim (VI) ::

Banco de dados PostGreSQL

Recover and replace win1252 content to utf-8 for a PostgreSQL database

I shouldn't be the first to need to export data from a PostgreSQL database installed on Windows with a win1252 code to a database with UTF-8 code (in my case, on a Linux server).

It is not enough to transform the transfer file to UTF-8, as the characters of win1252 (left double quote, right double quote, single quote and dash) will be there, with a weird value in your database.

In my experience, I had to import data as-is and afterwards perform an update using the function to rewrite data for UTF-8 characters correctly.

The following code examples are for: 1 - transform to HTML characters; 2 - transform to single characters.


-- DROP FUNCTION substitui_win1252_html(texto);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION substitui_win1252_html(texto text)
    RETURNS text AS

    texto := replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(texto, '’', '’'), '“', '“'), '”', '”'), '•','•'), '–', '–')::text; 
    RETURN texto;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;


-- DROP FUNCTION substitui_win1252(texto);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION substitui_win1252(texto text)
    RETURNS text AS

    texto := replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(texto, '’', ''''), '“', '"'), '”', '"'), '•','•'), '–', '-')::text;  
    RETURN texto;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Don't worry about the squares that you might see. If you copy it to a good text editor, you will their actual value.


Tropeçando 16 – Republish

FTP mini-HOWTO (Linux)

Eficiência e segurança com SQL parametrizado

O uso de comandos SQL, na maioria das linguagens de programação e gerenciadores de bancos de dados que suportam esta linguagem de manipulação de dados, pode ser parametrizado com variáveis de ligação (bind variables). Este recurso que, para um programador desavisado e inexperiente, pode parecer uma burocracia desnecessária, na verdade é um mecanismo muito importante para trazer segurança e eficiência ao uso de SQL em programas. Veja porque e como.

PHP: SQL Injection

Documentation for preventing SQL injection in PHP projects. Many web developers are unaware of how SQL queries can be handled and assume that an SQL query is a reliable command. It means that SQL queries are able to bypass access controls undetected, therefore bypassing standard authentication and authorization checks, and sometimes SQL queries can allow command access at the server operating system level.

PHP: Relatando Erros - Manual

Senhas armazenadas com segurança

Como Criar um Website :: Avi Alkalay

As 5 distribuições que mudaram o Linux

Segundo a chamada deste artigo da edição internacional da Linux Magazine, a história do Linux pode ser medida com base nas versões deste kernel, mas também pode ser medida pelas suas principais distribuições.

MySQL: Oracle assume um compromisso: GPL, documentado, sem contrato de suporte obrigatório, etc.

Scrum - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

O Scrum é uma metodologia ágil para Gerenciamento de Projetos.

CentOS: Instalando mod_security

Spam: determina bloqueio da porta 25 (smtp) a partir de janeiro

vivaotux: Afinando seu violão usando o bash - geek d+

[Dicas-L] Lista de servidores DNS abertos e rápidos


Tropeçando 101

Minimal safe Bash script template

Bash scripts. Almost anyone needs to write one sooner or later. Almost no one says “yeah, I love writing them”. And that’s why almost everyone is putting low attention while writing them.

I won’t try to make you a Bash expert (since I’m not a one either), but I will show you a minimal template that will make your scripts safer. You don’t need to thank me, your future self will thank you.

Software Architecture Books

A comprehensive list of books on Software Architecture.

People in the software industry have long argued about a definition of architecture. Ralph Johnson famously defined software architecture as "the important stuff (whatever that is)." I, subjectively, followed his definition while deciding whether or not to include a specific book.

8 Tips to Master Asynchronous Communication

Great tips for using asynchronous communication in your favour. It’s the reason why some remote teams thrive while others grapple with anxiety and exhaustion.


Most people in the SQL and in the PostgreSQL community have used the LIMIT clause provided by many database engines. However, what many do not know is that LIMIT / OFFSET are off standard and are thus not portable. The proper way to handle LIMIT is basically to use SELECT … FETCH FIRST ROWS. However, there is more than meets the eye.

PostgreSQL Parallelism Do’s and Don’ts

PostgreSQL can apply parallel processing to speed up query performance. But the PostgreSQL query planner and internals are complex, making it a challenge to predict how parallel processing will affect different queries.

In this webinar, you’ll learn parallelism best practices to maximize your PostgreSQL query performance.


Tropeçando 99



The Diátaxis framework aims to solve the problem of structure in technical documentation. It adopts a systematic approach to understanding the needs of documentation users in their cycle of interaction with a product.

Conventional Commits

The Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention on top of commit messages. It provides an easy set of rules for creating an explicit commit history; which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of. This convention dovetails with SemVer, by describing the features, fixes, and breaking changes made in commit messages.

Awesome list

Awesome list of awesome technology related things

Postgres Observability

Graphical cheat-sheet for PostgreSQL Observability views and functions. You have a visual representation of the services touched by each observability tool, such as buffer, write-ahead logs, query plan, table storage, index information, etc.

An Introduction to PostgreSQL Performance Tuning and Optimization

This document provides an introduction to tuning PostgreSQL and EDB Postgres Advanced Server (EPAS), versions 10 through 13. The system used is the RHEL family of linux distributions, version 8. These are only general guidelines and actual tuning details will vary by workload, but they should provide a good starting point for the majority of deployments.


Tropeçando 97

The Missing Guide to AWS API Gateway Access Logs

In this post, we’re continuing the deep dive on API Gateway. Here, we’ll be looking at API Gateway access logging. Access logging can save your bacon when debugging a gnarly API Gateway issue, but you need to understand some nuance before you can use it correctly. We’ll dig into the details here so that you’ll be logging like Paul Bunyan in no time.

Ready for changes with Hexagonal Architecture

Netflix considerations related to the decisions of using Hexagonal Architecture

OAuth Patterns and Anti-Patterns RefCard

Modern, more secure recommendations continue to replace some of OAuth's original elements as the protocol evolves. Securing access to APIs and other resources and data effectively under OAuth 2.0 requires first learning the components and tools it involves.

Can auto_explain (with timing) have low overhead?

Some benchmarks for use of auto_explain. It seems great to be enabled on production.

Here we’ll be looking into the overhead of auto_explain. Many places warn about its overhead, but I’ve found concrete information difficult to come by.

Setting up SSL authentication for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is a secure database and we want to keep it that way. It makes sense, then, to consider SSL to encrypt the connection between client and server. This posting will help you to set up SSL authentication for PostgreSQL properly, and hopefully also to understand some background information to make your database more secure.


Tropeçando 96

Refinement Code Review

With the right environment, I can look a bit of code written six months ago, see some problems with how it's written, and quickly fix them. This may be because this code was flawed when it was written, or that changes in the code base since led to the code no longer being quite right. Whichever the cause, the important thing is to fix problems as soon as they start getting in our way. As soon as I have an understanding about the code that wasn't immediately apparent from reading it, I have the responsibility to (as Ward Cunningham so wonderfully said) take that understanding out of my head and put it into the code. That way the next reader won't have to work so hard.

After all, many problems that code reviews seek to remedy are problems that only become problems when the code is read in the future.


PostgreSQL replication (synchronous and asynchronous replication) is one of the most widespread features in the database community. Nowadays, people are building high-availability clusters or use replication to create read-only replicas to spread out the workload. What is important to note here is that if you are using replication, you must make sure that your clusters are properly monitored.

The purpose of this post is to explain some of the fundamentals, to make sure that your PostgreSQL clusters stay healthy.


Check some information about checkpoints, mix and max wal size, how they operate toghether and what they play on our day-to-day database workload.

Checkpoints are a core concept in PostgreSQL. However, many people don’t know what they actually are, nor do they understand how to tune checkpoints to reach maximum efficiency. This post will explain both checkpoints and checkpoint tuning, and will hopefully shed some light on these vital database internals.

Boos your user defined functions in PostgreSQL

Using the RDBMS only to store data is restricting the full potential of the database systems, which were designed for server-side processing and provide other options besides being a data container. Some of these options are stored procedures and functions that allow the user to write server-side code, using the principle of bringing computation to data, avoiding large datasets round trips and taking advantage of server resources. PostgreSQL allows programming inside the database since the beginning, with User Defined Functions (UDFs). These functions can be written in several languages like SQL, PL/pgsql, PL/Python, PL/Perl, and others. But the most common are the first two mentioned: SQL and PL/pgsql. However, there may be “anti-patterns” in your code within functions and they can affect performance. This blog will show the reader some simple tips, examples and explanations about increasing performance in server-side processing with User Defined Functions in PostgreSQL. It is also important to clarify that the intention of this post isn’t to discuss whether Business Logic should be placed, but only how you can take advantage of the resources of the database server.

The career-changing art of reading the docs

Don’t wait for knowledge to find you through years of inefficient trial and error. Go get it. And the most convenient, comprehensive place to grab it was there in front of you all along.

Read the docs.