
PHP 8.1: more on new in initializers

I could not agree more with Brent when he says concerning the "new in initializers"[1] feature:

PHP 8.1 adds a feature that might seem like a small detail, but one that I think will have a significant day-by-day impact on many people.

When I see this new feature, lots of places that use Dependency Injection[3] come to my focus as candidates to be impacted, such as application or infrastructure service classes. As a result, we will write a much cleaner and leaner code without giving up on good practices to write modular, maintainable and testable software.

The Dependency Inversion Principle[4] gives us decoupling powers. But we know that many classes will receive the same concrete implementation most of (if not all) the time.

So this is very common to see some variation of this code:

$someDependencyToBeInjected = FactoryClass::create();
$someService = new SomeServiceClass($someDependencyToBeInjected);

Important note: I will ignore for now Service Containers and frameworks features that deal with service instantiation, auto wiring, etc.

Think of a database query service class: you depend on a connection object. Every time you need to instantiate your database service class, you need to prepare the connection dependency and inject it at the service class. Database connections are a great example when you use the same concrete implementation more than 90% of the time.

The same applies to a Service class that you use to handle business logic and depends on QueryService and CommandHandler interfaces to do its job.

Before PHP 8.1 we have code like this:

// service class to apply business logic
// most standard
class DefaultLeadRecordService implements LeadRecordService
    public function __construct(
        private LeadQueryService $queryService,
        private LeadCommandHandler $commandHandler
    ) {

// infrastructure class to match the interface -- a DBAL concrete class
// sneakily allowing a "default" value, but also open to Dependency Injection
// but not that great
class DbalLeadQueryService implements LeadQueryService
    public function __construct(private ?Connection $connection = null)
        if (!$this->connection) {
            $this->connection = Core::getConnection();

// instantiation would be something like -- given you have $connection already instantiated
$connection =  \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, $config);

$service = new \Blog\Application\DefaultLeadRecordService(
    new \Blog\Infrastructure\DbalLeadQueryService($connection),
    new \Blog\Infrastructure\DbalLeadCommandHandler($connection),

// if we allow construct get default value
$service = new \Blog\Application\DefaultLeadRecordService(
    new \Blog\Infrastructure\DbalLeadQueryService(),
    new \Blog\Infrastructure\DbalLeadCommandHandler(),

While on PHP 8.1, you will be able to write it like so:

class DefaultLeadRecordService implements LeadRecordService
    public function __construct(
        private LeadQueryService $queryService = new DbalLeadQueryService(),
        private LeadCommandHandler $commandHandler = new DbalLeadCommandHandler()
    ) {

// we see there is still room for new features here
// still not that great
class DbalLeadQueryService implements LeadQueryService
    public function __construct(private ?Connection $connection = null)
        // waiting when `new initializers` feature allows static function as default parameters
        if (!$this->connection) {
            $this->connection = Core::getConnection();

$service = new \Blog\Application\DefaultLeadRecordService();

One liner! That saves a lot of typing, and the code remains very well structured. This is the type of significant impact we will have on our day-to-day work. We will write a more straightforward, robust and meaningful code, and we will ship features faster with high-quality code.

If you want to see a full implementation of this, check the code at

Test, our faithful friend

Writing tests is a must-have for any repository where quality is a requirement. However, the "New in initializers" feature does not force us to give up on a complete suite of tests. We still have all powers of unit or integration tests.

For application code, we would write unit tests and all the expectations for concrete dependencies:


namespace Test\Unit\Blog\Application;

use Blog\Application\DefaultLeadRecordService;
use Blog\Domain\LeadCommandHandler;
use Blog\Domain\LeadQueryService;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use Test\TestCase;

class DefaultLeadRecordServiceTest extends TestCase
    private const EMAIL = '[email protected]';

    private LeadQueryService|MockObject $leadQueryServiceMock;
    private LeadCommandHandler|MockObject $leadCommandHandlerMock;

    private DefaultLeadRecordService $service;

    protected function setUp(): void

        $this->leadQueryServiceMock = $this->getMockBuilder(LeadQueryService::class)->getMock();
        $this->leadCommandHandlerMock = $this->getMockBuilder(LeadCommandHandler::class)->getMock();

        $this->service = new DefaultLeadRecordService($this->leadQueryServiceMock, $this->leadCommandHandlerMock);

    public function testCanAdd()


        $result = $this->service->add(self::EMAIL);

        self::assertEquals(1, $result);

    public function testAddExistentReturnsFalse()
            ->willReturn(['email' => self::EMAIL]);


        $result = $this->service->add(self::EMAIL);


    public function testCanGetAll()
        $unsorted = [
            ['email' => '[email protected]'],
            ['email' => '[email protected]'],
            ['email' => '[email protected]'],


        $fetched = $this->service->getAll();

        $expected = $unsorted;

        self::assertEquals($expected, $fetched);

Integration tests can be written for infrastructure code. For instance, we can use an SQLite database file to assert the logic for database operations.

Be aware that I am creating an SQLite temp database file on-demand for each test execution with $this->databaseFilePath = '/tmp/test-' . time(); and, thanks to the Dbal library, we can be confident that operations could work for any database.

-> It is highly recommended that, as an alternative, create a container with a seeded database that is compatible with your production database system.


namespace Test\Integration\Blog\Infrastructure;

use Blog\Infrastructure\DbalLeadQueryService;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use Faker\Factory;
use Faker\Generator;
use Test\TestCase;

class DbalLeadQueryServiceTest extends TestCase
    private string $databaseFilePath;

    private Generator $faker;
    private Connection $connection;

    private DbalLeadQueryService $service;

    public function testCanGetAll()
        $this->addEmail($email1 = $this->faker->email());
        $this->addEmail($email2 = $this->faker->email());
        $this->addEmail($email3 = $this->faker->email());

        $expected = [
            ['email' => $email1],
            ['email' => $email2],
            ['email' => $email3],

        $fetched = $this->service->getAll();

        self::assertEquals($expected, $fetched);

    protected function setUp(): void

        $this->faker = Factory::create();


        $this->service = new DbalLeadQueryService($this->connection());

    protected function tearDown(): void


    private function connection(): Connection
        if (!isset($this->connection)) {
            $this->databaseFilePath = '/tmp/test-' . time();

            $config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
            $connectionParams = [
                'url' => "sqlite:///{$this->databaseFilePath}",

            $this->connection = DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, $config);

        return $this->connection;

    private function dropDatabase()

    private function createLeadTable(): void
        $this->connection()->executeQuery('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS leads ( email VARCHAR )');

    private function addEmail(string $email): int
        return $this->connection()->insert('leads', ['email' => $email]);


PHP is evolving very quickly, with new features that enable more quality software, help developers and is even more committed to the fact that most of the web run flavours of PHP code. New features improve readability, software architecture, test coverage and performance. Those are all proof of a mature and live language.

Upgrade to PHP 8.1 and use "new in initializers" as soon as possible. You will not regret it.

If there is something you want to discuss more, let me know in the comments.


  1. New in initializers RFC
  2. Road to PHP 8.1
  3. Dependency Injection
  4. Dependency inversion principle
  5. Interface segregation principle
  6. Solid relevance
  7. SOLID principles

Tropeçando 104


CASL (pronounced /ˈkæsəl/, like castle) is an isomorphic authorization JavaScript library which restricts what resources a given client is allowed to access. It's designed to be incrementally adoptable and can easily scale between a simple claim based and fully featured subject and attribute based authorization. It makes it easy to manage and share permissions across UI components, API services, and database queries.

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DevOps: Shift Left to Reduce Failure

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How to ease the pains of testing legacy code?

Practically every programmer in their career struggled with working on a legacy project or one in which at least part of the job involved some kind of legacy code. I will show you some tips and tricks which will make writing unit tests for legacy applications much easier and less hurtful. Let’s go deep into testing legacy code!

PHP Programação Technology

PHP Test Coverage Using Bitbucket and Codacy


In computer science, code coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is tested by a particular test suite. A program with high code coverage has been more thoroughly tested and has a lower chance of containing software bugs than a program with low code coverage.

Testing is an unavoidable process for building a trustful software. Unfortunately, in PHP world we have a massive number of legacy software still running today that are very valuable but born in an age where testing was skipped for various reasons.

As today we are refactoring those untested systems into tested ones or we are creating new projects already focusing on having tests, we can go one step further and measure the code coverage, leveraging bug protection and code quality.

You can use these steps for a legacy project, a new project, a well-covered project, a poorly covered project; no matter the state of your project.

We are considering a PHP project using Bitbucket Pipelines as our CI and Codacy for monitoring our test coverage reports but the main concepts could be easily used when using other tools.

Table of contents:

  1. Dependencies installation
  2. PHPUnit configuration
  3. Set up Codacy project API token
  4. Pipelines configuration

1. Dependencies installation

Use composer to install dependencies:

composer require --dev phpunit/php-code-coverage codacy/coverage

Installation results would be similar to:

Using version ^1.4 for codacy/coverage
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 3 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing symfony/process (v5.0.4): Downloading (100%)
  - Installing gitonomy/gitlib (v1.2.0): Downloading (100%)
  - Installing codacy/coverage (1.4.3): Downloading (100%)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
ocramius/package-versions:  Generating version class...
ocramius/package-versions: ...done generating version class

2. PHPUnit configuration

We need to configure at least whitelist and logging sections. They are required to code coverage.

Whitelist is the section that determines which files will be considered as your available code and how existent tests cover this code.

As I want that all my code loaded and analyzes by PHPUnit, I will set processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist. Considering that all my code is under ./src folder:

    <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->
        <whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
            <directory suffix=".php">./src</directory>

Logging is where we configure logging of the test execution. Clover configuration is enough for now:

    <!-- ... -->
      <log type="coverage-clover" target="/tmp/coverage.xml"/>

You should now run your tests locally to ensure that you can fix everything that will be analyzed by PHPUnit. All errors have to be fixed. One example that might appear:

Fatal error: Interface 'InterfaceClass' not found in /var/www/src/Example/Application/ClassService.php on line 5



namespace Example;

class ClassService implements InterfaceClass {
    /* */

I have a class extending from another but I missed the import for the parent class.


namespace Example;

use Example\Domain\InterfaceClass;

class ClassService implements InterfaceClass {
    /* */

And now I am good. After fixing all errors that might appear (and discovering some dead classes...), we test results and report generation message:

OK (10 tests, 17 assertions)

Generating code coverage report in Clover XML format ... done [5.71 seconds]

This has already configured code coverage. We will use Codacy as a tool to keep track of code coverage status, representing them in a beautiful dashboard and some other tools such as a check for new pull requests.

3. Set up Codacy project API token

For sending coverage results to Codacy, we need the project API token. This is located at Settings > Integrations tab.

If there is already a code, you can use it. Otherwise, generate one. A project token would look like something as:

a9564ebc3289b7a14551baf8ad5ec60a // not real

We will use this as an environment variable at Bitbucket. At your project in Bitbucket, go to Configurations > Pipelines > Repository Variables. In my case, I used:

Value: a9564ebc3289b7a14551baf8ad5ec60a

I want the value securely encrypted. Then I mark "Secure".

Right now we have Codacy token and the value enabled to use as an environment variable at our pipeline.

4. Pipelines configuration

For Pipelines now you should provide API token as an environment variable:


Enable xdebug:

  - pecl install xdebug-2.9.2 && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug

And execute codacycoverage to send saved report to Codacy:

  - src/vendor/bin/codacycoverage clover /tmp/coverage.xml

Considering one of my legacy projects that I am adding code coverage, this could be my unit test step:

  • using alpine
  • source code (whitelisted) at site/src
  • logfile generated at /tmp/unit-clover.xml
  • g++ gcc make git php7-dev are required to install and enable xdebug
    - step: &step-unit-tests
        name: unit tests
        image: php:7.2-alpine
          - composer
          - apk add --no-cache g++ gcc make git php7-dev
          - pecl install xdebug-2.9.2 && docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
          - site/src/vendor/bin/phpunit -c tests/Unit/phpunit.xml
          - site/src/vendor/bin/codacycoverage clover /tmp/unit-clover.xml

After being successfully executed by pipelines, you may see the results at your Codacy dashboard.

Now code with love.
And coverage.

Useful links: