
Tropeçando 114

What's new in PHP 8.4

Don't miss these great features

  • Property hooks
  • new without parentheses
  • JIT changes RFC
  • Implicit nullable types
  • New HTML5 support
  • array_find

Serverless Ephemeral Environments with Serverful AWS Services

How to successfully use ephemeral environments with serverful resources, with example in the AWS CDK and Typescript.

Comparison of Serverless Development and Hosting Platforms

When designing solutions in the cloud, there is (almost) always more than one alternative for achieving the same goal.

One of the characteristics of cloud-native applications is the ability to have an automated development process (such as the use of CI/CD pipelines).

In this blog post, I will compare serverless solutions for developing and hosting web and mobile applications in the cloud.

Generating fake data using SQL

Fake data are very useful in development environment for testing your application or some query performances for example.

Client-Side Architecture Basics [Guide]

Though the tools we use to build client-side web apps have changed substantially over the years, the fundamental principles behind designing robust software have remained relatively the same. In this guide, we go back to basics and discuss a better way to think about the front-end architecture using modern tools like React, xState, and Apollo Client.


Tropeçando 78

Replicação: o que mudou

Detalhes das mudanças na replicação do PostgreSQL desde a versão 9.0 até a 9.6.

What the hell are Generics and would I want them in PHP?

So everyone is talking about this hip “new” kid on the block for PHP: Generics. The RFC is on the table and a lot of people are getting all excited about it, but you don’t fully see the excitement? Let’s explore what it’s all about!

The Easy Way to Setup PostgreSQL 10 Logical Replication

PostgreSQL workings in one picture

With the below illustration I attempted to capture key processes that encompass Postgres workflow. Here is a quick overview.

Speeding up Application Development with Bootstrap

Bootstrap is one of the best and most used HTML/CSS/JS front-end frameworks. Almost any web developer who has made a website or two has heard of this popular framework. It offers so many ready-made components and resources, Bootstrap can significantly speed up your application development.