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It has never been so easy to document your things!


A universal command-line interface for PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle Database, SQLite3, Microsoft SQL Server, and many other databases including NoSQL and non-relational databases!

Agendando tarefas com o Cron para Node

O Cron para Node é um pacote npm que nos permite fazer o agendamento de tarefas baseado em uma regra de tempo. Ele é baseado no Cron do Linux e seu funcionamento segue a mesma linha. Com ele é possível definir uma função para ser executada de tempos em tempos, ou seja, ela será agendada para ser executada dentro do Node. É uma maneira bastante eficaz para tarefas repetitivas que precisam rodar em segundo plano, como o envio de notificação, backup de banco de dados, entre outras.

Howto: use one VCL per domain

The Varnish Configuration Language (VCL), I'm sure you know already, is the source of Varnish versatility: by only enforcing the protocol flow and leaving the business logic to the user, Varnish can be easily configured to do things far beyond caching.

However, because the logic of websites is generally focused around hosts, and the VCL thinks in terms of processing steps, configuration may sometimes a bit odd, with the need to place safeguards around your code to ensure that logic for one host isn't applied to another one.

It works, but it can be tedious and unwieldy, so today we are going to have a look at how we can silo our VCL per website to achieve better maintainability.

Understanding the 8 Fallacies of Distributed Systems

Are you working on a distributed system? Microservices, Web APIs, SOA, web server, application server, database server, cache server, load balancer - if these describe components in your system's design, then the answer is yes. Distributed systems are comprised of many computers that coordinate to achieve a common goal.

More than 20 years ago Peter Deutsch and James Gosling defined the 8 fallacies of distributed computing. These are false assumptions that many developers make about distributed systems. These are usually proven wrong in the long run, leading to hard to fix bugs.

PostgreSQL Tuning: Key Things to Drive Performance

Performance is one of the key requirements in software architecture design, and has been the focus of PostgreSQL developers since its beginnings

Illuminate your career

If you are a developer, this article is for you.

5 Things You Have Never Done with a REST Specification

How to to Backup Linux with Snapshots

While working on different web projects I have accumulated a large pool of tools and services to facilitate the work of developers, system administrators and DevOps
One of the first challenges, that every developer faces at the end of each project is backup configuration and maintenance of media files, UGC, databases, application and servers' data (e.g. configuration files).

Awesome PHP

A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.


Tropeçando 79

Plan for the unexpected: install diagnostic tools on your PostgreSQL servers

There’s a lot of information out there on how to configure PostgreSQL, on the importance of backups and testing them, etc.

But what about the server you run PostgreSQL on? We tend to pay a lot less attention to tools that you won’t need unless something breaks. But it’s worth taking some time to do so now, because that’s time you won’t have when your server is down and you’re in a rush.

SQL Feature Comparison

This comparison focuses on SQL features that can be used in SQL statements or self-contained SQL scripts that don't require additional software (e.g. a compiler) to be usable. Features for database administration or deployment are also not the focus of this comparison.

Building the DOM faster: speculative parsing, async, defer and preload

In 2017, the toolbox for making sure your web page loads fast includes everything from minification and asset optimization to caching, CDNs, code splitting and tree shaking. However, you can get big performance boosts with just a few keywords and mindful code structuring, even if you’re not yet familiar with the concepts above and you’re not sure how to get started.

How we tweaked Postgres upsert performance to be 2-3* faster than MongoDB

As we all know, relational databases are fine if you’re dealing with small amounts of data but for web-scale high performance high inserts speed and masses of queries per second, NoSQL is what you need. At least, that’s the conventional wisdom/hype surrounding NoSQL databases such as MongoDB. However as we’ve recently discovered this is very wrong indeed.

Painful Varnish mistakes

This post was initially titled "Top 6 Varnish mistakes", to echo Espen's blog. Even though his material is three years old, the content is still relevant. Plus, there's a healthy colleague competition going on here, and I can't just mimic Espen if I hope to beat him, so I had to do something different.

NULL in SQL: Indicating the Absence of Data


Tropeçando 78

Replicação: o que mudou

Detalhes das mudanças na replicação do PostgreSQL desde a versão 9.0 até a 9.6.

What the hell are Generics and would I want them in PHP?

So everyone is talking about this hip “new” kid on the block for PHP: Generics. The RFC is on the table and a lot of people are getting all excited about it, but you don’t fully see the excitement? Let’s explore what it’s all about!

The Easy Way to Setup PostgreSQL 10 Logical Replication

PostgreSQL workings in one picture

With the below illustration I attempted to capture key processes that encompass Postgres workflow. Here is a quick overview.

Speeding up Application Development with Bootstrap

Bootstrap is one of the best and most used HTML/CSS/JS front-end frameworks. Almost any web developer who has made a website or two has heard of this popular framework. It offers so many ready-made components and resources, Bootstrap can significantly speed up your application development.


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How to Measure Execution Time in Node.js

Design Pattern Workshop

Recently on the pgsql-performance mailing list, a question popped up regarding Postgres RAM usage. In this instance Pietro wondered why Postgres wasn’t using more RAM, and why his process was taking so long. There were a few insightful replies, and they’re each interesting for reasons that aren’t immediately obvious. Let’s see what is really going on here, and perhaps answer a question while we’re at it.

Ativando o Optimus NVIDIA GPU no Dell XPS 15 com Linux, mesmo na bateria

New Features Coming in PostgreSQL 10

Postgres 10 highlight - SCRAM authentication


Tropeçando 75

Promise Anti-patterns

Promises are very simple once you get your head around them, but there are a few gotchas that can leave you with your head scratching. Here are a few that got me.

PG Phriday: Why Postgres

Generic HTTP Error Handling in AngularJS

Lately during development at one of our clients, Ravello Systems, we decided we wanted better HTTP error handling.

Basically, our perfect solution would have generic handlers for errors, and most calls in the code will not have to do any special work for handling errors. This means that things like authentication problems, server unavailability issues, etc. will be handled in one place — like adding a generic “something went wrong” modal.

The Fastest Method to Evaluate Tune the Performance of Any PHP Web Application Server using MySQL or PostgreSQL

In the Web development world, we often have the problem of choosing the right server to use in the production environment of a Web application.

Maybe we need to buy a new server to handle the expected load, or maybe the customer wants to deploy in an existing server.

In any case, if after deploying and running the application it will show poor performance, then we need to ask the team what we can do to make the application faster or use a better server.

Therefore we need to determine if the application is performing well. Read this article to learn how to quickly determine the performance of an application on the current server.

Postgres 9.6 Features

PostgreSQL is now on version 16. Check the release notes

The Definitive Guide to DateTime Manipulation

As a software developer, you can’t run away from date manipulation. Almost every app a developer builds will have some component where date/time needs to be obtained from the user, stored in a database, and displayed back to the user. – My personal OS report

The script collects a lot of information about the running system and save the output of each commands in a text file, and saves copies of important files in a directory named files. At the end of the script everything is compressed with tar in the global directory.

Faster PostgreSQL Counting

Everybody counts, but not always quickly. This article is a close look into how PostgreSQL optimizes counting. If you know the tricks there are ways to count rows orders of magnitude faster than you do already.


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Tables and indexes vs. HDD and SSD

Although in the future most database servers (particularly those handling OLTP-like workloads) will use a flash-based storage, we’re not there yet – flash storage is still considerably more expensive than traditional hard drives, and so many systems use a mix of SSD and HDD drives.

pgBackRest 1.0 Released

The first stable of release of pgBackRest introduces a new, more capable repository format, simpler configuration, and comprehensive support for backup and restore of symlinked directories and files.

Visualização de Postgres Plan Query

Uma ferramenta que pode fazer planos (EXPLAIN) simples de entender e visualmente agradável.

PG Phriday: Trusty Table Tiers

Well, there is another way to do partitioning that’s almost never mentioned. The idea is to actually utilize the base table as a storage target, and in lieu of triggers, schedule data movement during low-volume time periods. The primary benefit to this is that there’s no more trigger overhead.

Safe and unsafe operations for high volume PostgreSQL

If I run a bad command, it can lock out updates to a table for a long time. For example, if I create a new index on table, I cannot create new record in this table while that index is building. Anyone who tries to make a record in this table will block, and possibly time out, causing a partial outage. In general, I am ok with database operations taking a long time. However, any operation that locks a table for updates for more than a few seconds means downtime for me.

I decided to make a list of an operations, which can be done safe (without downtime) and usafe.




Tropeçando 57

Como instalar e configurar Oracle Database 12c

How To Optimize Your Site With GZIP Compression

Compression is a simple, effective way to save bandwidth and speed up your site. A modern browser is needed to enjoy modern web content and modern web speed — so gzip encoding it is. Here’s how to set it up.

Gzip Compression Checker

This tool checks whether gzip compression is enabled on the web server hosting your website. After connecting to your web server, the tool\'s result page will display whether gzip is enabled and also provides additional details regarding the effectiveness of the compression and the actual savings in bandwidth for the specified page.

Recursos para aprender noSQL

Como migrar um repositório de códigos Svn para Git

More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp

Window Functions: PostgreSQL\'s Best-Kept Secret

Window Functions


Tropeçando 47

Business Logic in the Database | Taming Serpents and Pachyderms

ToP 10 – Artigos sobre redes informáticas em 2011 no Pplware | Pplware

CodeYear: que tal aprender a programar em 2012?

The wonders of Any Element - Postgres OnLine Journal

Cheat Sheet : All Cheat Sheets in one page

jQuery: dicas de otimização e performance | Tableless

How DRY impacts JavaScript performance // Faster JavaScript execution for the la...

O dilema da sintaxe no HTML5 | Tableless


Tropeçando 36

Coluna: O camaleão é um fingidor? | Revista Eletrônica do Vestibular

Sua Língua » Arquivo » pessoa humana

É correto "pessoa humana"?

Planbox - Agile Project Management tool

Gerenciamento de projetos

Progressive Enhancement versus Graceful Degradation | Boas práticas de Desenvolvimento com Padrões Web


Converter formato de data para o formato BR, em uma linha de código só

Vou pedir licença ao Frederico e também palpitar sobre a possibilidade de, em uma linha, converter o formato de data do banco (funciona para o MySQL e outros bancos) para o formato brasileiro em php.

$data = "2008-01-09 14:56:06";
echo date('d/m/Y H:i:s', strtotime($data)); // mostrará 09/01/2008 14:01:06.
echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime($data)); // mostrará 09/01/2008.

Update em 24/01/2023: Podemos utilizar também DateTimeImmutable:

php > $data = "2008-01-09 14:56:06";
php > echo (new \DateTimeImmutable($data))->format('d/m/Y H:i:s');
09/01/2008 14:56:06
php > echo (new \DateTimeImmutable($data))->format('d/m/Y');

Simples assim. 🙂

Essa solução funciona para datas no formato yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss e yyyy-mm-dd.