
Tropeçando 75

Promise Anti-patterns

Promises are very simple once you get your head around them, but there are a few gotchas that can leave you with your head scratching. Here are a few that got me.

PG Phriday: Why Postgres

Generic HTTP Error Handling in AngularJS

Lately during development at one of our clients, Ravello Systems, we decided we wanted better HTTP error handling.

Basically, our perfect solution would have generic handlers for errors, and most calls in the code will not have to do any special work for handling errors. This means that things like authentication problems, server unavailability issues, etc. will be handled in one place — like adding a generic “something went wrong” modal.

The Fastest Method to Evaluate Tune the Performance of Any PHP Web Application Server using MySQL or PostgreSQL

In the Web development world, we often have the problem of choosing the right server to use in the production environment of a Web application.

Maybe we need to buy a new server to handle the expected load, or maybe the customer wants to deploy in an existing server.

In any case, if after deploying and running the application it will show poor performance, then we need to ask the team what we can do to make the application faster or use a better server.

Therefore we need to determine if the application is performing well. Read this article to learn how to quickly determine the performance of an application on the current server.

Postgres 9.6 Features

PostgreSQL is now on version 16. Check the release notes

The Definitive Guide to DateTime Manipulation

As a software developer, you can’t run away from date manipulation. Almost every app a developer builds will have some component where date/time needs to be obtained from the user, stored in a database, and displayed back to the user. – My personal OS report

The script collects a lot of information about the running system and save the output of each commands in a text file, and saves copies of important files in a directory named files. At the end of the script everything is compressed with tar in the global directory.

Faster PostgreSQL Counting

Everybody counts, but not always quickly. This article is a close look into how PostgreSQL optimizes counting. If you know the tricks there are ways to count rows orders of magnitude faster than you do already.


Tropeçando 70

Estressando CPU, memória RAM e disco rígido com stress-ng no Ubuntu

Um programa para realizar teste de estresse em recursos do computador. Com isso, será possível conhecer melhor os limites da máquina.

Developer’s Guide to Open Source Licenses

Building REST API for Legacy PHP Projects

PostgreSQL 9.4 streaming replication over SSL with Replication Slots

Export to xls using angularjs


Tropeçando 65

The history of replication in PostgreSQL

Taming Forms in AngularJS 1.3

Ultimo Dia Util Considerando Feriados em Oracle PL/SQL

HTTP access control (CORS)

Detalhes do lado do cliente na utilização de CORS.

CORS on Apache

Use vimdiff as git mergetool

Instruções para utilizar vimdiff como resolvedor de conflitos do GIT

git ahead/behind info between master and branch?

Ter a informação de quantos commits há atrás/adiante do seu branch no git

GNS3 1.3 – A ferramenta perfeita para quem gosta de redes

O GNS3 é um simulador de redes bastante “real”, que emula os mais diversos equipamentos activos de uma rede: routers, switchs, PCs, telefones, firewalls, etc. Considerando por exemplo um router, o GNS3 permite-nos emular o IOS (sistema operativo dos equipamentos Cisco) de um router real e proceder às respectivas configurações.

Compressão de imagens em formato otimizado com menor perda possível (quando não sem perda).


Tropeçando 64

Oracle X PostgreSQL – Parte I: Semelhanças

How to Recover an Encrypted Home Directory on Ubuntu

Recovering an encrypted home directory when you don't have the former operational system anymore. Or you are accessing through an external hard driver or something else.

Tag All The Things
Tag All The Things 2
Tag All The Things 3

Série AngularJS: Filter ordenando tabela por coluna

Problema do ano 2038

Playing around with ~/.gvfs/

Building Huuuuuge Apps with AngularJS

Partial aggregation: The beautiful way

I have PostgreSQL, loaded some data, and have app using it. Now what?

Agora que o banco já está no ar e sendo usado, é muito importante cuidar da sua saúde. Vamos, portanto, aplicar:

  • streaming replication de master para slave
  • walarchiving para o servidor storage deixando-o disponível para recuperação por backup
  • walarchiving para o servidor slave para que no caso do slave cair, será possível a recuperação sem que seja necessário refazer a replicação
  • limpeza de walarchive no slave - xlogs desnecessários serão removidos
  • backups diários, executados a partir do slave e salvos no servidor storage, sem que haja nenhum trabalho adicional no master (excetuando-se iniciar e encerrar o modo de backup, o que não afeta o desempenho normal do master)
  • backups e walarchive no storage são mantidos em sincronia (sem xlogs que são inúteis) e pequenos o suficiente

Tropeçando 58

VirtualBox: Disable time sync between host and client

Building PhoneGap Apps with AngularJS

Using Nvidia Graphics Drivers With Initial Optimus Support In Ubuntu 13.10 Got Easier With Nvidia-Prime

How To Disable Host Time Synchronization in Virtual Box*

How-To: Managing services with update-rc.d


Tropeçando 57

Como instalar e configurar Oracle Database 12c

How To Optimize Your Site With GZIP Compression

Compression is a simple, effective way to save bandwidth and speed up your site. A modern browser is needed to enjoy modern web content and modern web speed — so gzip encoding it is. Here’s how to set it up.

Gzip Compression Checker

This tool checks whether gzip compression is enabled on the web server hosting your website. After connecting to your web server, the tool\'s result page will display whether gzip is enabled and also provides additional details regarding the effectiveness of the compression and the actual savings in bandwidth for the specified page.

Recursos para aprender noSQL

Como migrar um repositório de códigos Svn para Git

More AngularJS Magic to Supercharge your Webapp

Window Functions: PostgreSQL\'s Best-Kept Secret

Window Functions