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Serverless PostgreSQL database with real zero-scaling. The fully managed serverless Postgres with a generous free tier. We separate storage and compute to offer autoscaling, branching, and bottomless storage.

Compute scales dynamically to ensure you're ready for peak hours. Compute scales to zero and cold storage offloads to S3 for cost efficiency. Create a fully managed serverless Postgres instance in seconds.

Make your app faster with PHP 8.3

PHP 8.3 is the latest version of PHP. It has exciting new features and major improvements in performance. By upgrading to 8.3, you can achieve a significant increase in speed. In this article, we dive into how PHP 8.3 can be a game changer. It can speed up your application's performance.

OWASP Top 10 Explained: SQL Injection

SQL Injection (SQLi) is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application.

The vulnerability is present when user inputs are either improperly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed.

This allows an attacker to manipulate SQL queries, enabling them to unauthorized access, modify, and delete data in the database. This can lead to significant breaches of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, ranging from unauthorized viewing of data to complete database compromise.

15 Quick Useful Tips for AWS CDK Engineers

In this short article, we will cover 15 useful tips with accompanying code snippets for AWS CDK users.

Implementing DTOs, Mappers & the Repository Pattern using the Sequelize ORM [with Examples] - DDD w/ TypeScript

There are several patterns that we can utilize in order to handle data access concerns in Domain-Driven Design. In this article, we talk about the role of DTOs, repositories & data mappers in DDD.


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CQRS and Event Sourcing implementation in PHP

A walk-through of using CQRS along with Event Sourcering using PHP.

Is my autovacuum configured properly?

Some tips to identify if you need to tune your autovacuum configurations. A proper house cleaning can improve your database health and performance.

Learn how to migrate to the PHP framework Symfony

SensioLabs and Smile released a joint white paper “PHP framework migration: from legacy to Symfony” explaining how to migrate to modern PHP frameworks like Symfony. Find a selection of the key information in this infographic design by SensioLabs.


Find leaked credentials. Search on your repos, source-code, etc.

Why we don’t use a staging environment

Squeaky deploys their code directly from laptops to production environments. The blog posts details their strategies, such as a good suite of tests, clear branch strategy and use of feature flags.

Scaling containers on AWS in 2022

Benchmarking for different types of workloads and scales capabilities on AWS services in 2022: lambda, EKS, ECS, Fargate...

Building well-architected serverless applications: Introduction

Multi-part series addressing each of the questions within the Serverless Lens of the Well-Architected Tool.

Comparing Workflows

Comparision of different types of git flows: centralized, feature branch, gitflow and fork flow. Simple comparision, but easy to get the sense of their use cases.

Construct Hub

Find libraries for AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), which generates AWS CloudFormation templates, CDK for Terraform (CDKtf), which generates HashiCorp Terraform configuration files, and CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s), which generates Kubernetes manifests.

Too much magic?

A good thinking about the "magic" under some awesomeness that are provided by frameworks or libraries. Although they are good for quicker development, there is good to think a little bit more about how and when use it when we have a software that we aim to last longer and get to the phase of greater maintainability.


Tropeçando 20 – Republish

Activate Remote Desktop REMOTELY!!! |

PHP é à quinta-feira – 50 dicas sobre desempenho e segurança | Peopleware

Howto access ext3 partition from Windows | Ubuntu Geek

This tutorial will allow you to access your ext3 partition under Windows, using Sun VirtualBox and Ubuntu. The tutorial is pretty long due to the images, but they explain things easier sometimes (they are not just meaningless screenshots) (forgive me for your scroll button 😛 )

Upload Pie - The Simple Image Sharing Tool

Sharing files with expiration dates

Mantis Bug Tracker

Gerenciamento de erros

TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index

Index of languages being used around the world.

Busca de CEP em PHP, Ajax, PHP, ASP, Java, Python, Flash, XML, C#, Ruby

Color Fading Menu with jQuery | CSS-Tricks

Increase your internet speed with Namebench | Ubuntu Geek

Guia de referência de comando em PT-BR | Ubuntu Dicas

Uma lista com os comandos mais usados no linux em português brasileiro. É possível salvar os comandos em algum imagem para que fique como um papel de parede.

Blog do Márcio d’Ávila » Fraude Surpreendo - Proteja seus dados pessoais

RootSudo - Ubuntu Brasil

Ripando e Gerando DVDs no Linux de forma simples « jmmwrite – simples e direto


Tropeçando 16 – Republish

FTP mini-HOWTO (Linux)

Eficiência e segurança com SQL parametrizado

O uso de comandos SQL, na maioria das linguagens de programação e gerenciadores de bancos de dados que suportam esta linguagem de manipulação de dados, pode ser parametrizado com variáveis de ligação (bind variables). Este recurso que, para um programador desavisado e inexperiente, pode parecer uma burocracia desnecessária, na verdade é um mecanismo muito importante para trazer segurança e eficiência ao uso de SQL em programas. Veja porque e como.

PHP: SQL Injection

Documentation for preventing SQL injection in PHP projects. Many web developers are unaware of how SQL queries can be handled and assume that an SQL query is a reliable command. It means that SQL queries are able to bypass access controls undetected, therefore bypassing standard authentication and authorization checks, and sometimes SQL queries can allow command access at the server operating system level.

PHP: Relatando Erros - Manual

Senhas armazenadas com segurança

Como Criar um Website :: Avi Alkalay

As 5 distribuições que mudaram o Linux

Segundo a chamada deste artigo da edição internacional da Linux Magazine, a história do Linux pode ser medida com base nas versões deste kernel, mas também pode ser medida pelas suas principais distribuições.

MySQL: Oracle assume um compromisso: GPL, documentado, sem contrato de suporte obrigatório, etc.

Scrum - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

O Scrum é uma metodologia ágil para Gerenciamento de Projetos.

CentOS: Instalando mod_security

Spam: determina bloqueio da porta 25 (smtp) a partir de janeiro

vivaotux: Afinando seu violão usando o bash - geek d+

[Dicas-L] Lista de servidores DNS abertos e rápidos


Tropeçando 14 – republish

GUI Database Design Tools - PostgreSQL Wiki

When Geeks Have Twins [PIC]

Lançado o Pl/PHP – iMasters

You can run PHP code inside PostgreSQL database.

12 senhas que nunca devem ser usadas - Geek List

Como é o dia de um “gerente de mídias sociais”? » CrisDias weblog

Blog do Márcio d'Ávila » Relatórios de mercado de TI 2010/2011

Create your Google Sitemap Online - XML Sitemaps Generator

The 15 Most Detrimental Social Media Mistakes You're Making

Blog do Márcio d'Ávila » Corrida dos navegadores rumo a HTML5 e CSS3

Validar é importante?! | Tableless - Desenvolvimento com Padrões Web


Tropeçando 1 – Republish


What is Browsershots? Browsershots tests your website's compatability on different browsers by taking screenshots of your web pages rendered by real browsers on different operating systems. Free tier!

Reinstalando o GRUB

Alguém tentou reinstalar o outro Sistema Inoperacional e ele, genialmente, apagou a MBR e, conseqüentemente, a opção de escolha do GRUB? Agora dá para recuperar. Pelo Ubuntu (distribuição que uso e o do exemplo), é claro.

Ferramentas de segurança de rede

SecTools.Org: Top 125 Network Security Tools

O mundo de lunga: Conexão 3G - Solução para problema com DNS

Para resolver o problema de DNSs para conexões com modems Huawei, que sobrescreve o /etc/resolv.conf
50 exemplos de menu de navegação - interactive charts online!

Ferramenta para montagem de gráfico para colocar em sites | Photo Gallery Software for the Web

Mais um exemplo de uma boa galeria de fotos

Resize your image online - It's easy, it's free!

Redimensionamento de imagens pela web


"O Filmow foi criado para pessoas viciadas e apaixonadas por filmes. A principal ideia do Filmow é que você mostre aos seus amigos os filmes que já assistiu, comente sobre eles e dê sua opinião, na página do filme. Mas, para os que apenas gostam de filmes, o Filmow também é uma rede social onde é possível encontrar pessoas e amigos. No Filmow você fica sabendo quais filmes são lançados, os que estão no cinema e aqueles que já estão em DVD, para você assistir em casa." (

Tropeçando 102


Each year, OWASP (the Open Web Application Security Project) publishes the top ten security vulnerabilities. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications. Click through on the lessons below to learn more about how to protect against each security risk.

Your Product Owner Is Not Your Product Manager

Your Product Owner Is Not Your Product Manager. Product management has evolved to encompass numerous roles and responsibilities. Leaders looking to hire a product professional must consider what skills and knowledge their business needs demand.

While the market has evolved and will continue to evolve, there remains a need for both a product owner’s and a product manager’s skills and expertise. By considering the nature and scale of a project and understanding the skills and responsibilities associated with each of these distinct roles, leaders can ensure they hire the right person to help them develop and launch products successfully.

Insert-Only Tables and Autovacuum Issues Prior to PostgreSQL 13

If you have write-only tables (or heavy, heavy writes), you may need to check this post. Autovacuum has some issues before PostgreSQL 13, and you might have some great workarounds to use until upgrading your database version.

Enterprise CI/CD best practices

Free book with 23 best practices to apply to your CI/CD pipeline. Those best practices aim to help you design (or use as a checklist) a solid pipeline for your software.

A war story about COVID, cloud, and cost. And why serverless wins.

Nice story about serverless outcomes and potential. Based on COVID-19 pushing of infrastructure and computing services, billing is an important subject. The article has an excellent example of how both scale environment and low bill costs work together on a serverless tech stack.


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Use Open Source. Stay Secure.

A developer-first solution that automates finding & fixing vulnerabilities in your dependencies

Reading List - by Mathias Verraes

Code Reviews and Blame Culture

A common belief is that gated reviews lead to blaming individuals. The opposite can be true.


How to Write a Git Commit Message

Why good commit messages matter

Better Commits with Static Review


Tropeçando 85

Good Engineering Practices while Working Solo

How Much maintenance_work_mem Do I Need?

While I generally like PostgreSQL's documentation quite a bit, there are some areas where it is not nearly specific enough for users to understand what they need to do. The documentation for maintenance_work_mem is one of those places. It says, and I quote, "Larger settings might improve performance for vacuuming and for restoring database dumps," but that isn't really very much help, because if it might improve performance, it also might not improve performance, and you might like to know which is the case before deciding to raise the value, so that you don't waste memory. TL;DR: Try maintenance_work_mem = 1GB. Read on for more specific advice.


Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping

A Beginner’s Guide to the True Order of SQL Operations

The SQL language is very intuitive. Until it isn’t. A guide to understanding the order of a SELECT operation.

The state of open source security - 2019

Snyk is an incredible tool for package security. And they released a state of open source security, talking about open source adoption and package, images and code vulnerabilites. We are talking about maven, npm, pypi, docker, etc.


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Cloud Computing without Containers

Cloudflare has a cloud computing platform called Workers. Unlike essentially every other cloud computing platform I know of, it doesn’t use containers or virtual machines. We believe that is the future of Serverless and cloud computing in general, and I’ll try to convince you why.

HTTP-over-QUIC will officially become HTTP/3

The protocol that's been called HTTP-over-QUIC for quite some time has now changed name and will officially become HTTP/3. This was triggered by this original suggestion by Mark Nottingham.

The QUIC Working Group in the IETF works on creating the QUIC transport protocol. QUIC is a TCP replacement done over UDP. Originally, QUIC was started as an effort by Google and then more of a "HTTP/2-encrypted-over-UDP" protocol.

Announcing SSH Access through Cloudflare

A way to replace the old (clunky) VPN by SSH access. Leverage access without losing security.

The Memory Resource Triad

Some more information about the three resources that affect query performance: cpu, memory, and storage.

psql: A New Edit

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a long statement in psql and wanted to pull up your favorite editor? Now, you can, using the same shortcut of control-x control-e that you would in bash!