
Tropeçando 20 – Republish

Activate Remote Desktop REMOTELY!!! |

PHP é à quinta-feira – 50 dicas sobre desempenho e segurança | Peopleware

Howto access ext3 partition from Windows | Ubuntu Geek

This tutorial will allow you to access your ext3 partition under Windows, using Sun VirtualBox and Ubuntu. The tutorial is pretty long due to the images, but they explain things easier sometimes (they are not just meaningless screenshots) (forgive me for your scroll button 😛 )

Upload Pie - The Simple Image Sharing Tool

Sharing files with expiration dates

Mantis Bug Tracker

Gerenciamento de erros

TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index

Index of languages being used around the world.

Busca de CEP em PHP, Ajax, PHP, ASP, Java, Python, Flash, XML, C#, Ruby

Color Fading Menu with jQuery | CSS-Tricks

Increase your internet speed with Namebench | Ubuntu Geek

Guia de referência de comando em PT-BR | Ubuntu Dicas

Uma lista com os comandos mais usados no linux em português brasileiro. É possível salvar os comandos em algum imagem para que fique como um papel de parede.

Blog do Márcio d’Ávila » Fraude Surpreendo - Proteja seus dados pessoais

RootSudo - Ubuntu Brasil

Ripando e Gerando DVDs no Linux de forma simples « jmmwrite – simples e direto


Tropeçando 94

ExtendsClass provides tools directly usable in a browser. It saves you from having to install add-ons to your browser in order to add features.

You have at your disposal syntax validators, code formatters, testers, HTTP clients, mock server, but also a SQLite browser.

These are small and easy-to-use tools that can help when you do not want to install software on your workstation.

Solid Relevance

More topics that highlighs the importance of SOLID concepts. How they are key to develop a solid application.

Kubernetes: ClusterIP vs NodePort vs LoadBalancer, Services, and Ingress — an overview with examples

Dockerfile best practices

Writing production-worthy Dockerfiles is, unfortunately, not as simple as you would imagine. Most Docker images in the wild fail here, and even professionals often[1] get[2] this[2] wrong[3].

This repository has best-practices for writing Dockerfiles that I (@slimsag) have quite painfully learned over the years both from my personal projects and from my work @sourcegraph. This is all guidance, not a mandate - there may sometimes be reasons to not do what is described here, but if you don't know then this is probably what you should be doing.

How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You

When people talk about code reviews, they focus on the reviewer. But the developer who writes the code is just as important to the review as the person who reads it. There’s scarcely any guidance on preparing your code for review, so authors often screw up this process out of sheer ignorance.

This article describes best practices for participating in a code review when you’re the author. In fact, by the end of this post, you’re going to be so good at sending out your code for review that your reviewer will literally fall in love with you.