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Good Engineering Practices while Working Solo

How Much maintenance_work_mem Do I Need?

While I generally like PostgreSQL's documentation quite a bit, there are some areas where it is not nearly specific enough for users to understand what they need to do. The documentation for maintenance_work_mem is one of those places. It says, and I quote, "Larger settings might improve performance for vacuuming and for restoring database dumps," but that isn't really very much help, because if it might improve performance, it also might not improve performance, and you might like to know which is the case before deciding to raise the value, so that you don't waste memory. TL;DR: Try maintenance_work_mem = 1GB. Read on for more specific advice.


Fake Online REST API for Testing and Prototyping

A Beginner’s Guide to the True Order of SQL Operations

The SQL language is very intuitive. Until it isn’t. A guide to understanding the order of a SELECT operation.

The state of open source security - 2019

Snyk is an incredible tool for package security. And they released a state of open source security, talking about open source adoption and package, images and code vulnerabilites. We are talking about maven, npm, pypi, docker, etc.

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