
Tropeçando 111

Don't do this: creating useless indexes

This is why, when I’m called for a performance problem (or for an audit), my first take is to look at the size of the data compared to the size of the indexes. If you store more indexes than data for a transactional workload, that’s bad. The worst I’ve seen was a database with 12 times more indexes stored on disk than data! Of course, it was a transactional workload… Would you buy a cooking book with 10 pages of recipes and 120 pages of indexes at the end of the book?

The problem with indexes is that each time you write (insert, update, delete), you will have to write to the indexes too! That can become very costly in resources and time.


PXP is a superset of the PHP programming language. It is heavily inspired by the goals of the TypeScript project and aims to improve and enhance PHP with transpilation.

Functional Classes

A place for everything, and everything in its place.

What is a class? According to the dictionary a class is:

A set, collection, group, or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common; a kind or category.

The Simple Class

I work in many legacy code bases, and in fact, I’ve made it a big part of my career. I love diving into big monoliths that have grown out of proportion and tidying them up. One of the best parts of that work is rewriting a God class into a collection of small reusable classes. Let’s take a look at what makes a simple class great.

The economics of clean code

Code smarter. Code balanced. That is OK to have some debt. But pay them off quickly.


Tropeçando 102


Each year, OWASP (the Open Web Application Security Project) publishes the top ten security vulnerabilities. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications. Click through on the lessons below to learn more about how to protect against each security risk.

Your Product Owner Is Not Your Product Manager

Your Product Owner Is Not Your Product Manager. Product management has evolved to encompass numerous roles and responsibilities. Leaders looking to hire a product professional must consider what skills and knowledge their business needs demand.

While the market has evolved and will continue to evolve, there remains a need for both a product owner’s and a product manager’s skills and expertise. By considering the nature and scale of a project and understanding the skills and responsibilities associated with each of these distinct roles, leaders can ensure they hire the right person to help them develop and launch products successfully.

Insert-Only Tables and Autovacuum Issues Prior to PostgreSQL 13

If you have write-only tables (or heavy, heavy writes), you may need to check this post. Autovacuum has some issues before PostgreSQL 13, and you might have some great workarounds to use until upgrading your database version.

Enterprise CI/CD best practices

Free book with 23 best practices to apply to your CI/CD pipeline. Those best practices aim to help you design (or use as a checklist) a solid pipeline for your software.

A war story about COVID, cloud, and cost. And why serverless wins.

Nice story about serverless outcomes and potential. Based on COVID-19 pushing of infrastructure and computing services, billing is an important subject. The article has an excellent example of how both scale environment and low bill costs work together on a serverless tech stack.