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PHP is the Best Choice for Long‑Term Business

Mature and health ecosystem, long-term stability with clear release cycles, at least two well-proven frameworks, self-reflecting Technology and open-source adaptation to the future are points to put PHP as a great (if not the best) choice for long-term business.

Optimize for optionality and build towards checkpoints

Optimize for optionality and build towards checkpoints

To make this plea actionable: treat each chunk of work as something that should be merged by the end of the week. That doesn't mean it needs to be "done" or available to the end user, it needs to become a citizen of The Codebase.

PHP Object Lazy-Loading is More Than What You Think

In short: lazy-loading consists of delaying load or initialization of resources or objects until they’re actually needed. It’s something you will never see directly, the whole objective of lazy-loading is to be invisible so you can use your applications the way you always do.

Check this blog posts, which talks about this pattern, a new PHP RFC and some ways you can boost the performance of your application when you use lots of API calls.

Open Source Pledge

What is the Open Source Pledge?

Open Source Pledge is a group of companies with a shared commitment to paying the maintainers of the Open Source software we all consume. Our goal is to establish a new social norm in the tech industry of companies paying Open Source maintainers, so that burnout and related security issues such as those in XZ and Apache Log4j can become a thing of the past.

Code Analysis for Your Projects With IntelliJ IDEA and Qodana

As developers, we spend more time maintaining existing code than we do writing new code. Any tools that can help make this easier can save us a lot of time.

Live coding - Event Sourcing in PHP - Let's overcomplicate a single-page - Brendt Roose

Brendt did a live coding session demonstrating how event-sourcing in PHP looks like. He used Tempest framework, but concepts apply to any application.

Configuring AWS CDK Apps Across Multiple Environments

In this quick article, we will cover how we can setup our deterministic serverless application configuration in a way that it can differ between different environments, and where the correct environment is deployed to the correct AWS accounts. We will do a super simple example to show the concepts.

How to successfully adopt serverless in large organizations

Why serverless?

Serverless has disrupted the tech industry in recent years and leveled the playing field by giving organizations instant access to the same resources. In fact, it gives startups and small organizations an edge. They can move faster because they have fewer processes in place than larger traditional organizations, and serverless enables this agility.

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